Things I've Learned From Boromir

Beware of short people (especially with furry feet)!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

When in doubt blow a mighty blast upon your horn.
Submitted by Lady Elwing

If you don't know what to say, talk about Gondor!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

Be wary of gold rings.
Submitted by Jackie

No one needs a king.
Submitted by Jackie

If someone is shooting arrows at you, it's usually a good idea to step out of the way.
Submitted by Jackie

If there's a blizzard, the only respectable thing to do is to clear a path using your arms and then to carry the smaller people through the snow.
Submitted by Jackie

When wiser heads fail, bodies my serve!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

Never forget your shield when going into battle
Submitted by Lady Elwing

If you don't like something, throw rocks at it!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

If u want to save your country do not go the easy way!
Submitted by Baloo

Friendship is worth more than material things.
Submitted by Baloo

Always ask before ranting about Gondor "First allow me to speak more of Gondor..."
Submitted by Lady Elwing

Beware of scruffy men with broken swords - they may try to take over your country
Submitted by Lady Elwing

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