Signs You Are A Boromir Fan

You think the ideal man's hair length is
"shorn about the shoulders".
Submitted by Elrond-Rocks

When the only summer olympics they are showing is the swimming (as usual) you glare and say "How I hate this foul pool!"
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You find yourself sitting in class muttering under your breath "Gondor has no teacher...Gondor needs no teacher."
Submitted by Lady Elwing

Before a big test you pick up your paper and look wistful, "It is a strange fate that we sould suffer so much...over so small a thing...such a little thing"
Submitted by Lady Elwing

When you're having a bad day and someone comfoundedly cheerful asks, "How are you?" You reply, "I have failed...the world of men will fall...and all will come to ruin." Then stride away leaving them looking bewildered.
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You find yourself going to your parents with an intense expression on your face and demanding "If you could but LEND me the car...!"
Submitted by Lady Elwing

When watching the movie you start bawling before they even land the boats - and don't stop till the end of the credits.
Submitted by Lady Elwing

When there is a dramatic pause as Boromir the Brave climbs up the mountain you cheer uncontrolably until your neighbor starts throwing popcorn at you.
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You scream and close your eyes as the arrows hit the door next to him in Moria, but when they are actually striking him at Amon Hen you just stare numbly.
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You start screaming, "STOP STOP!" long before he rounds the corner looking over the cliff in Moria, then you start shouting "LEGOLAS HELP!" until your friend throws an apple at your head. (Later you overhear them remark, "Waste of a good apple")
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You here the fog horns going off in the distance and you cry to your friend: 'The horn of Gondor! Boromir is in trouble!'
Submitted by Boromir_luvver

You remember flinging down the "new" editions of FotR in disgust because they don't feature Bory on the cover!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

You spend your free time trying to teach smaller people how to fight, but usually wind up being kicked in the shins by them.
Submitted by Jackie

Your teacher assigns a rather hard project, to which you exclaim, "What new devilry is this?"
Submitted by Jackie

You ask to borrow something from a friend, and when they say no you become very angry, telling them, "Why do you recoil? I am no thief!" They look at you strangely and then run as you chase after them screaming, "It might have been mine! It should have been mine! GIVE IT TO ME!!!"
Submitted by Jackie

Your form tutor walks in: and you whisper to the person sitting next to you: 'They have a cave troll.'
Submitted by Boromir_luvver

You spend your time submitting "reasons I love Boromir" to lists like this!
Submitted by Lady Elwing

Have a reason you're a Bory fan? Submit it to: